January 2021 News

  • It’s time for revival!
  • Miracles at the Palmerston Hope Rally!
  • Revival spreads across the Northern Territory!
  • Help us build the Mission Hub and raise up an army for Jesus!
The Holy Spirit is touching lives!

Wow Wow Wow! So much has happened since the last time I wrote to you! We have watched as God’s love and power has been poured out in powerful ways to touch, transform, heal and save the lost, hurting and broken-hearted! He is so wonderful and we are in awe of Him!
In November, we held another 28 Day Hope Rally in the City of Palmerston, just south of Darwin. Once again, the Lord moved powerfully and many precious souls were added to the Kingdom of God!
We have now planted a church for all these people who are running into the Kingdom of God! It wasn’t our intention to plant a church here at all, but the need was there, so many souls were coming to God, and they needed to be fed and discipled! The Lord amazingly provided a building for us in an area where many of the people who had gotten saved were living, and God has been multiplying His church, so much so that we are now already outgrowing the building! People are coming from all over – from the first and second Hope Rallies we ran and from other places as the word is spreading of God’s love being poured out! We are blown away!
Just last week we started a mid-week worship gathering in Palmerston, and one of the aboriginal men who came was powerfully touched by the Holy Spirit! He began to cry as the Lord spoke of His love into this man’s heart! He told us that a couple of years ago his wife had died in a car accident. He had been driving, and was drunk at the time. Since then, he had been tormented by guilt and grief. He covered it up with drinking, but he knew that he needed to change. We were able to minister to him, pray for him and sing worship songs together. He was filled with the love and forgiveness of our Amazing God, and by the end of the meeting he declared, “I feel so light! I feel free!” He had a huge smile on his face and his whole countenance had changed! We encouraged him to keep coming to as many meetings as he could. We are changed from glory to glory as we behold our King of Glory. The more often we behold Him, the more we come into the presence, the more we are changed, from glory to glory!
On Sunday, he and some friends of his caught a bus to our main church building and was eagerly sitting in the front row, worshipping God and wanting more of Him! How beautiful and how wonderful it is to approach the Throne of Grace, and to be a witness to God’s saving grace at work in the lives of others! There is nothing else like it!
We have also been going to the hospital regularly to pray for the sick and minister to people in their time of need. Jesus told us to go out and seek and save the lost, to go into the highways and byways and compel them to come in! The hospital is a great place to go and find people in need of a loving Saviour! Last week we were asked to go and pray for a lady who had come from an Aboriginal Community about 6 hours out of Darwin. She was in hospital with a chest infection and swollen throat. We brought her a Bible and ministered to her. She has been a Christian for quite some time but has been struggling. She told us the witchdoctor at her community had told her to commit suicide, but she refused, clinging to her faith in Jesus! We laid hands on her as she sat up on the hospital bed, commanding healing and breaking every curse. As we prayed, she fell back in the bed, looking as though she had fallen unconscious, but the Spirit of God was working, filling and healing and strengthening her by His love and power! When we finished praying, she sat up, moving her head and neck from side to side. Her eyes lit up as she declared that all pain was gone!

“I feel all loose!” She proclaimed, “I feel the Spirit all over me!” Hallelujah! We left her with some Scriptures to read and as I walked out the door, I turned back one last time to see her hunched over her new Bible, drinking in the Words of Life! The next day we had a prayer meeting at the church. I put her name on the board and the name of her community. We prayed for her, prayed for revival in her community and prayed that as people came to Darwin from around the country, they would encounter Jesus here and take the fires of revival back with them to their communities and that miracles, signs and wonders would be poured out there too!
The following day, I phoned to see how she was doing, thinking she was still in the hospital. She informed me that she was back at her community! The doctor had discharged her the same afternoon after we had visited, declaring she was better. Previously, the doctor had told her she would be in the hospital for a week! She had gone home, and told me that on Friday night the Spirit of God had fallen in her home as she sat with her family reading the Bible to them! They had all began laughing in the presence of God! I told her we had been praying for her and for her community that night! She was amazed and said that God was answering prayers!Β 
“And that’s not all,” She said excitedly, “This morning I went to the shops here, and sat down on a bench in the street next to another lady. She kept staring at me so I asked her what was wrong. She told me that she has had pain in her chest and shoulder, but when I sat next to her the pain disappeared! She asked me why! I told her it’s not me, it’s Jesus!” This happened a total of FOUR times as she was at the shops! On four separate occassions, as she was walking past people, they were getting healed! It reminded me of the time in the Book of Acts when Peter’s shadow healed people!
Hallelujah! We had prayed the night before for signs and wonders to accompany people as they returned to their communities from Darwin, and the Lord was quick to answer! We cry, “More Lord! Pour out revival across this nation and the nations of the earth! Let miracles, signs and wonders abound that Your name would be glorified and souls would come running into the Kingdom of God in this final hour before Your return!”
The building we are using for church right now is too small! So many souls are coming in, hungry for Jesus and being truly transformed by His power and grace, that we have run out of space! We have been praying for a bigger building, and it looks like we should have one very soon – it is actually the building we used to have 9 years ago when we had a church for the Long Grass people here in Darwin! We are waiting to hear back from the owner this week. I have put the video we made a few months ago showing this awesome building down below so you can have a look. We want to use it for church, outreach and also as a Missions Hub where we can train up and send out missionaries to the ends of the earth.
We ran a missions training school in conjunction with the Palmerston Hope Rally in the month of November and it was a huge success! The Harvest truly is so ripe! We want to raise up an army of equipped saints who are ready to run out into the darkness with the love and power of Jesus Christ to bring in the Harvest!
We earnestly pray for you all, that God would bless the work of your hands for Him and that as you seek Him with all your heart, He would reveal His plan and purpose for your life and show you how you can be a part of bringing in the greatest global Harvest ever seen before His Return!

Watch our Weekly Video Update

To watch regular updates and stay posted on what we are doing, watch our weekly video update:

On The Field With The Fields

Check out our latest update from the revival below

It’s time for revival! Check out what God is doing in Darwin!

Liberty Missions Hub

Liberty Missions is busy preparing a missions training centre, missions hub and international sending base where you can come and be equipped and sent out to the nations!
Learn how to be a missionary from seasoned missionaries!
Be equipped for powerful evangelism, church planting and more!
Participate in short and long-term outreaches and missions around Darwin, in the Australian outback, to the islands and internationally.
Become an effective disciple of Christ, equipped to fulfil the great commission to the ends of the earth.
We have found a building in the heart of the Darwin CBD where we can set up our hub and training centre, and we are inviting you to sow into making this vision become reality.
Sow your seedΒ into the Hub and partner with us! We will use funds to fix up the building and pay the lease as well as set up training facilities and outreaches for anyone wanting to come.
We would like to get started immediately! The owner of the building is on board and we are ready to go so sow now to be a part of the vision and the harvest!
Our heart is to see Jesus receive the reward of His suffering, to raise up an army equipped to go out and bring in the harvest and to see the name of Jesus exalted in the earth. We can only do so much alone, but together, we can see a great harvest come in from the nations, souls set free, healed and delivered and Jesus’ name lifted high! We want you to be a part of it!
We cannot do this alone and are so thankful to God for everyone who gives generously to the vision. We pray that God will bless you exceedingly, abundantly ABOVE all you could ever ask or imagine as you give with your heart of generosity. May you reap a harvest greater than you ever dreamed as you partner with God in bringing in the Harvest of souls!
Watch this short video below to find out more!

Help us build the Mission Hub and raise up an army for Jesus!


May you be blessed exceedingly, abundantly ABOVE all you could ever ask or imagine as you pursue Jesus and His glorious gospel into 2021!


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