- The Harvest is ripe and waiting!
- Miracles at the Bagot Hope Rally!
- Revival spreads across the Northern Territory!
- Preparing for our next Hope Rally in Darwin CBD!
How mighty is our God to save, heal and deliver! The same Jesus who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38) is the same yesterday, today, and forever! He has anointed us with the same Holy Ghost and power to go and do the works that He did, in His name! We truly believe that we are living in the most exciting times - times of revival! God is ready! Are you? Why do we so desperately need revival on the earth at this time? When there is such darkness, uncertainty and hopelessness, the light of Christ needs to shine brighter than ever before, lighting the way for people to come and find Jesus Christ, the hope of glory! The darker it gets on the earth, the brighter His light will shine, and it is up to us, God's people, to make sure that light is shining! Jesus commissioned us to let our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven! God will pour His all-consuming fires of revival into the heart of every believer, in every church, in every city and in every nation! All He is looking for are eager hearts crying out in hunger for Him, who are willing to lay it all down and follow Him wherever He may lead! Jesus has commissioned, commanded and anointed us to go out into the highways and byways and compel the lost, broken and hurting to come home to Him, and as we go, we find the fires of revival igniting around us! Indeed, these fires are being ignited across the globe in this hour, everywhere where people are going obediently! Jesus will anoint you too, as you go! He has promised it in His Word! We recently held our 4th 28 day Hope Rally just before celebrating our 1 year anniversary back in Australia! We held the Hope Rally in an Aboriginal community in Darwin called Bagot Community, and God showed up with miracles, signs and wonders, drawing the hearts of His children home to Him! One notable miracle that happened was on a night when the Holy Spirit was touching all the children powerfully. One little girl was on the floor, being filled by the Holy Ghost for a while. When she got up, her mother asked her what had happened, and she said that she had seen Jesus. He laid His hand on her heart and told her that He was with her and was healing her heart. She had suffered from Rheumatic heart disease, requiring regular needles. A week later, her mother took her to the hospital for her check-up. They scanned her heart and couldn't find a hint of the disease! Her heart had been completely healed! Hallelujah! Jesus is still in the business of healing the sick today. We just need to go out and pray for the sick and they shall recover! After the Hope Rally, we celebrated one year in Darwin and marvelled at what the Lord has done in only a year! 4 28-day Hope Rallies - that's 112 day of preaching the gospel out of 365 days! Plus a church planted, Sunday gatherings, rented one building for church, grew out of that and moved into a bigger building, one missions training school completed with students sent out across Australia ready to share the gospel! One outreach trip to Katherine, one outreach trip to Tennant Creek, Discipleship meetings, prayer meetings, Bible studies and many trips to the hospital to pray for the sick. Many healings and so many salvations and lives transformed. Beautiful souls set free from years of addiction to alcohol and drugs! It is all and only possible through Jesus and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It is all in response to our obedience and yes cry to our God, and it is all to glorify the name of Jesus in the earth and to bring the lost and hurting home to their loving Father! We are so thankful for such an amazing team of laid-down lovers of Jesus who have all said yes countless times to serve Him in the gospel! |
We recently went on a 5-day outreach trip to Tennant Creek to reach out to the lost and hurting people there. Tennant Creek had been on the Darwin News for the unrest and violence occurring there amongst the gangs of youths roaming the streets. It had gotten so bad that local businesses had been burned down, including the local supermarket, and the police were advising tourists travelling through not to stop but to keep going and camp at the next stop down the highway. What a perfect place for the gospel to be preached! For 5 days we drove our bus around the streets and communities, picking people up and compelling them to come in. We preached the gospel, called precious souls home and prayed for the sick. We baptised over 40 people and saw many come home to Jesus. There were healing miracles and the local people were overwhelmed, saying that the town had been forever changed! My favourite moment was when a gang of youths come one night hoping to cause trouble. Instead, they came face to face with the God who loves them! They fell to their knees and gave their hearts to the Lord! The next day they came to the lake to be baptised! We baptised the leader of the gang and then had him baptise his friends! There was such joy and rejoicing in transformed lives, born again into new life in Christ! Hallelujah! We are now preparing for our 5th 28-day Hope Rally, to be held in our HUB in the city from the 22nd September - 19th October. We will be targetting the homeless living on the streets of the city as well as a nearby Aboriginal Community. There are a lot of new people on the streets who have recently come to the city from outlying communities and we are overjoyed to be tasked with the priceless obligation of reaching out to them with the relentless love and power of our mighty God! There's nothing better! We are willing bondservants of our Lord Jesus Christ! Yes, woe is unto us if we preach not the gospel of our Lord! He is the One who died for us so that we might live forever with Him! And so the life we now live, we live for Him who loves us. "For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again." - 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Jesus died for all people. He died for me and for you. We, therefore no longer live for ourselves but for Him who died for us! This means we lay down our lives to do His will, and His will is that none should perish but that all should know and receive His life! It's up to us all who call ourselves Christian to share the love of God with those around us in whichever way we can, and when we do, He follows us with signs and wonders and miracles. His fires of revival spread as He anoints our going! The Harvest truly is ripe and plentiful! People out there are desperately searching for hope in these unprecedented times we live in, and when we reach out with Jesus Christ, the Hope of Glory, the lost and broken and hurting are responding and coming home to Jesus! The sick are being healed! Those bound in chains of darkness, hopelessness, addiction and fear are being delivered and set free by Jesus Christ! There is no other name by which man can be saved, but everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved! It's time to make His name famous! It's time to share His name and His love and His power with the world! It's time to glorify Jesus in the earth! And when He is lifted up, He will draw all men to Himself! It's time to be bold! It's time to be fearless! It's time to lay down our lives and preach the gospel! It's time for Revival! Go into all the world and let your light so shine! |
We are preparing for our next 28-day Hope Rally in Darwin! We will be preaching the gospel every night, worshipping our mighty God, praying for the sick, lost, and hurting, and providing a meal every night for everybody, including the homeless. If you would like to sow a seed into this work for God, please click on the link below, and may God bless you mightily as you give into His Kingdom!
Blessings from the Liberty team!
May you be blessed exceedingly, abundantly ABOVE all you could ever ask or imagine as you pursue Jesus!
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