4. Our Attitude In Prayer

In this lesson you will learn some key principles to help you with your daily prayer life.
5. The Importance Of The Bible

In this lesson you will learn about the importance of the Bible in your daily walk, and how to apply it powerfully in your life.
6. Time Alone With God

Learn some techniques for keeping a daily prayer and Bible study life with God
7. You And The Local Church

Learn about why it is so important for us as believers to be involved in the local church.
8. Tell Others The Good News

Once we are walking with God, His love compels us to tell others the good news so they too can find salvation in Him. Learn how to tell others the good news in this lesson.
9. Leading Others To Christ

This lesson teaches you how to lead others to Christ.
1. The Need For Water Baptism

Water baptism is a powerful and joyous time for a believer and it is one of the first steps to take in your walk with God. In this lesson you will find out why.
2. Holy Communion

In this lesson you will learn about the wonderful power and beauty in the act of taking Holy Communion as well as the deep spiritual meaning behind it.
3. The Importance Of Prayer

In this lesson you will learn about the vital importance of prayer in a believer's daily walk, as well as find out how much God delights in your prayers and hears every single one.