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That’s right… Liberty Missions was approved for registration in Mozambique! |
So much progress has been made this month and we have seen God’s hand in it all! After going to beautiful Vilanculos, Mozambique for one month to spy out the land and get a feel for God’s plan for us there, we were able to find a place to live – a beautiful home overlooking the stunning Indian Ocean, which is perfect for long-term missionary housing, having three separate houses on the property. We were also able to find a large property right in the centre of town which is just right for us to plant our first church, Bible College and house of prayer, offices etc. Properties settled, we were put in touch with an amazing lawyer, who just happens to be a Christian, who has been able to write up and submit our paperwork to have Liberty Missions registered as an NGO in Mozambique, all in record time! Our paperwork has already been approved by the government, and now has been published in the national publication – where it needs to stay for a few weeks before Liberty Missions is officially open and running. Once that is done and the certificate has been sent to us while we wait here in South Africa, we will be able to apply for our residential visas for Mozambique, and then move us and all our belongings up there!Needless to say, 2020 is gearing up to be very exciting and full of hope in God’s calling for us! We can’t wait to see what he does in Vilanculos and in the many villages throughout the Province of Inhambane. I have pulled out my big sound system and our gospel tent in readiness to head out to the unreached villages to preach the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ, plant churches and equip disciples by the power of the Holy Ghost! It’s going to be wild! We have seen the hand of God providing for His vision for us miraculously throughout the month! We went into this month needing quite a large amount of money to pay for all the administrative costs and visas, not knowing how we would be able to afford it all but trusting God, who is ALWAYS faithful… and guess what? He came through for us AS ALWAYS, providing for all our needs! You can trust Him – Your Father is faithful and good! We have been releasing weekly video updates of our journey. If you would like to watch them, simply click on the button below and enjoy! |
Hope For 2020

Ephesians 1:15-23 is the prayer for all the saints going into 2020! May the eyes of our understanding be enlightened to know what is the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus! Embrace God’s purpose for you as He gives you clarity of vision for the year ahead! Watch the video below for a special word of hope for 2020.
Find Out More About Us

If you’d like to find out more about us, what we are doing along this beautiful East Coast of Africa, or to sow into the Kingdom of God through Liberty Missions, please:
Blessings From The Liberty Team

May you be blessed exceedingly, abundantly ABOVE all you could ever ask or imagine as you pursue Jesus and His glorious gospel into 2020!