Your infant will be accompanying you in the full 4 weeks, broken into two halves: Encounter and Commission:
1. Encounter
Focusing on the 1st Great Commandment, encounter, passion, intimacy
Week 1: Intimacy Camp
Delving deep into God’s heart and incredible love for us
Week 2: Wholly Yours Camp
Pouring out our love to Him in complete surrender and awe
2. Commission
Focusing on the 2nd Great Commandment, commissioning, compassion, boldness and power
Week 3: Father’s Heart Camp
Losing ourselves in God’s burning and broken heart for the lost and hurting – to fellowship in His suffering.
Week 4: Commission Camp
Being equipped and endued with His power from on high to do the work He has called you to do – to walk in His resurrection power.
Throughout the entire 4 weeks we will be running a nightly Hope and Healing Rally in Coffs Harbour where you will have the opportunity to put into practice what you are receiving daily, for freely we receive, freely we give!
Your ticket includes 1 infant’s:
- Accommodation
- 3 meals a day (if required)
- Participation in all classes and sessions
- Participation in the nightly Hope Rally
We can’t wait to see you there!
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