4. The Result of Sin

Length: 60 minutesComplexity: Easy

This lesson will explore the result of sin for mankind. We have now learned that we all fall short of the glory of God. How does that affect our relationship with God and what can be done about it?

5. God Makes the Way

Length: 75 minutesComplexity: Easy

Now that you have learned about what sin is and what it has done to us, find out the incredible news of God's plan for salvation and how He has dealt with the problem of sin for us once and for all.

6. Jesus Is Alive

Length: 45 minutesComplexity: Easy

We have learned that Jesus died on the cross to save us from sin but that isn't the end of the story. Jesus is alive! He has defeated death and risen from the grave! In this lesson you will learn about Jesus' power over death and what that means for us.

7. What We Must Do

Length: 45 minutesComplexity: Easy

What must we do to be saved? We have learned about what Jesus has done for us through His death and resurrection. In this lesson you will learn about what our response should be and how to apply the free gift of salvation in our own lives.

8. We Are A New Creation

Length: 45 minutesComplexity: Easy

We who have been saved and received Jesus into our hearts are a new creation! This lesson will teach you about the wonderful, powerful new life you now live in Christ Jesus.

1. The Majesty of God

Length: 115 minutesComplexity: Easy


Learn some wonderful truths about who God is along with some of His amazing attributes.

2. God Created Man in His Image

Length: 90 minutesComplexity: Easy

God created man in His image. We are beautiful in His eyes and find our worth in Him. Learn to see yourself and others through God's eyes.

3. What is Sin?

Length: 60 minutesComplexity: Easy

In order to build a relationship with God, we need to understand what it is that separates us from God. In this lesson you will learn about what exactly sin is.