Liberty Missions Hub

Partner with us in establishing a Mission Hub and Missions training centre in Australia.



Liberty Missions is busy preparing a missions training centre, missions hub and international sending base where you can come and get on fire for the Lord, be equipped and sent out to the nations!
Learn how to be a missionary from seasoned missionaries!
Be equipped for powerful evangelism, church planting and more!
Participate in short and long-term outreaches and missions around Australia, to the islands and internationally.
Become an effective disciple of Christ, equipped to fulfil the great commission to the ends of the earth.

Have a space where you can come 24/7 to pray, worship, seek the Lord and be set on fire to go into all the world, equipped with the love of God!

We are looking for a full-time building and we are inviting you to sow into making this vision become reality.
We would like to get started immediately!
Our heart is to see Jesus receive the reward of His suffering, to raise up an army equipped to go out and bring in the harvest and to see the name of Jesus exalted in the earth. We can only do so much alone, but together, we can see a great harvest come in from the nations, souls set free, healed and delivered and Jesus’ name lifted high! We want you to be a part of it!
We cannot do this alone and are so thankful to God for everyone who gives generously to the vision. We pray that God will bless you exceedingly, abundantly ABOVE all you could ever ask or imagine as you give with your heart of generosity. May you reap a harvest greater than you ever dreamed as you partner with God in bringing in the Harvest of souls!


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